Wednesday 7 December 2016

Facebook tracks his 1.79 billion monthly active users that which sites they visits, even they already LOGGED OFF.....

            Yes, it is true that Facebook tracks his 1.75 billion monthly active users after they logged off.Although Facebook could be tracking users without permission, which could be unfair but the site has explained how it uses two kind of cookies to log the extensive data.
             According to the Facebook, the data is used to boost up the security and improve the quality of the plugins, not to collect the personal information of any Facebook user. 
            The Tracking means that every time an Facebook user being clicked on a third party page which has a Facebook plugin attached than the record is sent back to the company.
             Facebook is doing this by inserting two cookies "Session cookie" and "Browser cookie" when any user logged in. When you surf in any third party site without signing up the record is send back to the company...

If you are reading this and you have signed up  in Facebook once then your record is already being sent back to Facebook right now.....
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Friday 18 November 2016

  Did you know who is the first computer programmer 

In 1843 , Ada Lovelash , a British mathematician  published an English translation of an analytical engine article. To her translation she added her own extensive notes.
     In one of her notes, she described an algorithm for the analytical engine to compute Bernoulli numbers. Since the algorithm was considered to be the first specifically written for implementations on a computer , she has been cited as the first computer programmer .
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Saturday 15 October 2016

Did you know about "Pizza In Space" ?

     Yes, Pizza Hut has become the first company in history to deliver pizza to the pioneers living in outer space on International Space Station (ISS). The term pizza appeared in a Latin text from the southern Italian town of Gaeta in 997 AD.
    In 2001 Pizza Hut paid the Russian Space Agency to send pizza to ISS at a cost of $1 Million dollar.
    Humans aren't the only ones who love the taste of pizza. there even a mini pizza for dogs called the "Heaven Scent Pizza" made of flour, carrots, celery and parmesan cheese.
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Thursday 6 October 2016

Did you know that Human body emits visible light ?

        The human body literally emits visible light, 1000 times less intense than the level to which our naked eyes can see.
     Virtually all living organisms emit extremely weak light, spontaneously without external Photo excitation. This bio photon emission is categorized in different phenomena of light emission, and is believed to be a by-product of biochemical reactions in which excited molecules are produced from bio energetic processes that involves active oxygen species.        
          Human body is glimmering with light of intensity weaker than 1/1000 times the sensitivity of naked eyes.Our faces are the shiniest part of our body. 
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Thursday 29 September 2016

Did you know Why Ferrite bead is connected to your laptop power cable ?

    Most people see the cylinder of their laptops but they have no idea why it is for. Some believes it is only for decoration. But

Actually it is called ferrite bead, ferrite core or a choke in general. it is nothing but a inductor which suppress high frequency noises in electronic circuits. 

The cables of charger can act like unidirectional  antennas, broadcasting electrical interference (noise). They can generate EMI ( Electromagnetic interference) and RFI (radio frequency interference). The appointed task of ferrite core is to prevent such interference.  
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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Did you know that What is the purpose of the small pocket on your jeans ?

    This is the most common things that you probably don't know what it is. Most people think this pocket of jeans is for decoration.

this little pocket actually serves a purpose few years ago. the first time this pocket is seen  was on Vintage Levi's jeans in 1873
   Back than pocket watches are very popular
and cowboys used to wear their watches on chains and kept them in their waistcoats. to keep them from getting broken, the small pocket was designed to hold the watch.
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Tuesday 27 September 2016

Did you remember your all dreams ? possibly not because....

         It is not possible to remember our night dreams because there's a time limit to how much you can remember your dream. Only within five minutes since you are up from your sleep, an average person's dream is forgotten and in just 10-15 minutes, 90% of the dream is gone with the wind. If any person awakened at the rapid eye moment sleep (REM) stage than that person is more likely to remember the dream. 
        An average person might not remember the person in his dream however, a person only dreams of people he/she has encountered in life.
            In your dream you can reach a stage in lucid dreaming where you feel the sensations so strongly that you can experience real orgasm. that sensation or feeling is as strong as it is in real life.

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Saturday 24 September 2016

Did you know something about counter strike global offensive bots......

The name of some of the bots in counter strike global offensive are actually made after real people. 
For example -

In hard difficulty their is a bot named "gabe" which is homemage to "Gabe Logan Newell" , co-founder and managing director of video game development and digital distribution company Valve.

Their also a bot name "dave" made after creating the maps like de_dust2 ,dust, cubble. 

In expert mode two bots can found name "minh" and "cliffe" as referenced to the original developers.In normal mode their is a bot named "chris" who named after the creation of maps like Aztec, Inferno and Frantic.

In the popular map "de_dust2" to you can find "goose" in bomb site 'A'.Goose is actually a reference to one of the developer of original mod "Minh Le" whose online name is "Gooseman".

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Monday 19 September 2016

Did you know that from where the term Bluetooth actually came into existence..

         The word "Bluetooth" comes from the name of the tenth century king "Harald of Denmark" who united Danish tribes into a single Kingdom. The implication is that Bluetooth does the same with communication protocols, uniting them into one universal standard.
          The Bluetooth logo is a combination of extremely rare Viking inscriptions and King Harald's initials.Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), a not-for-profit trade association that oversees the development of Bluetooth standards.

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Friday 16 September 2016

Do you know that YouTube is originally started as video dating service.....

       Yes, it is true that YouTube is actually first started as video dating service originally called "Tuned in Hook up" . The website is heavily influenced by the website " Hot or Not ". Although it operated in the same fashion, the three founders decided not to go with the dating site idea but decided to keep the video portion.
         Then two important event occur which forever changed the site YouTube as we know. First when "Jawed Karim" unable to find some video online and second when "Chad Hurley" and "Steve Chen" were unable to share a video from dinner party with friends due to email attachment limitation that still exist today. These two events made the founders realised that there was a huge limitations for  sharing video online and they decided to fill that need. At last YouTube was founded as result.
          The first video uploaded to YouTube is short by "Yakov Lapitsky" at the San Diego Zoo. It shows co-founder "Jawed Karim " in front of the elephant enclosure going on about long trunk. It has  33,568,887 views till now. 

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Do you know honey is made by honeybees by kissing other honey workers in their hives...

     Yes, it is true. Honeybees goes out to collecting nectar from the flower around. They bring that nectar back to the hive and end up with kissing with other bee workers. By this the Enzyme in them is what converted into honey by splitting complex sugar into simple sugar present in nectar. This enzyme is known as "Invertase".Than they spit that nectar into the honeycomb which is filled with viscous and thick honey "beeswax" produced in their abdomen to save honey as their food in winter season.
     One worker bee produces only 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its short life.

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Monday 12 September 2016

Did you know, What is google's "low carbon" approach to maintain its property...

       Yes, it is true that Google has rented a herd of goats to replace the lawnmowers that normally cut the grass in  the fields around its headquarters. Actually this is Google's " low carbon " approach to maintaining its property.
      Google is renting the goats from a company called California Grazing. A herder will bring about 200 goats to the campus and they will roam around for a week eating the grass.these goats also fertilize the land at the same time.
       Google claims that the goats will cost same as the lawn mowers would.this also helps Google programmers to work properly because now they are not disturbed by the sound of lawn mowers. 

No words on how the maintenance workers who previously had this job feel about loosing work to goats.


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Are you worried about your secret data in your computer directory than lock them directly by command prompt...

        Yes, It is true. you can lock any directory of your computer directly from command prompt. In this method you are changing the directory permissions for these can't lock complete c:/ drive because after locking you will not be able to unlock it because after locking c:/ drive you will not be able to open command prompt administrator again.After locking no one can delete these directories too.
  the method for locking computer directory is-

Step 1..... First you have to open command prompt as an administrator.

Step 2..... Now type this command to lock the directory
               Cacls "Location of directory" /E  /P everyone:n 

the output will be like this....

your directory name will be represented after the dir:

Step 3..... Now to unlock the directory again type this command
Cacls "Location of directory" /E  /P everyone:f

after compiling the output will be like this..

your directory name will be represented after the dir:

After locking the directory anyone will not be able to read and delete these directories.Now your data is safe.

   I hope you like this leave comments in comment section...

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Sunday 11 September 2016

        The first mechanical alarm clock was invented by "Levi Hutchins" of Concord, New Hampshire, in 1787.  The bell on this alarm clock could ring only at 4 AM, in order to wake him up, for his job. 
        On October 24,1876, a new mechanical wind up alarm clock is invented that could be set for any time. It was patented by Seth E Thomas. 

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Saturday 10 September 2016

Did you know that.....

Typist fingers travel at an average rate of about 12.6 miles per day on a regular work day.
     Barbara Blackburn is the fastest English typist in the world, according to the Guinness  Book of Word Records. She managed to type at 150 wpm for 50 minutes, and peaked at 212 wpm.

                           So what is your speed in wpm ?

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Why all android versions are always named after sweets item ?

     Android is the operating system that powers over 1 billion smartphones and tablets.Since these devices make out lives so sweet, so Android versions is named after a dessert like Cupcake, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean. As everybody find it difficult to stay away from chocolate and Candies, Google named  version of Android after one of favorite chocolate and candies like Kitkat, Lollypop, Marshmallow etc. 

So which one is your favorite version ?


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