Facebook tracks his 1.79 billion monthly active users that which sites they visits, even they already LOGGED OFF.....
Yes, it is true that Facebook tracks his 1.75 billion monthly active...
Did you know who is the first computer programmer
In 1843 , Ada Lovelash , a British mathematician published an English translation of an analytical engine article. To her translation she added her own extensive...
Did you know about "Pizza In Space" ?
Yes, Pizza Hut has become the first company in history to deliver pizza to the pioneers living in outer space on International Space Station (ISS). The term pizza appeared...
Did you know that Human body emits visible light ?
The human body literally emits visible light, 1000 times less intense than the level to which our naked eyes can see.
Did you know Why Ferrite bead is connected to your laptop power cable ?
Most people see the cylinder of their laptops but they have no idea why it is for. Some believes it is only for decoration. But
Did you know that What is the purpose of the small pocket on your jeans ?
This is the most common things that you probably don't know what it is. Most people think this pocket of jeans is for decoration.
this little...
Did you remember your all dreams ? possibly not because....
It is not possible to remember our night dreams because there's a time limit to how much you can remember your dream. Only within...
Did you know something about counter strike global offensive bots......
The name of some of the bots in counter strike global offensive are actually made after real people.
For example -
In hard difficulty their is...
Did you know that from where the term Bluetooth actually came into existence..
The word "Bluetooth" comes from the name of the tenth century king "Harald of Denmark" who united Danish...
Do you know that YouTube is originally started as video dating service.....
Yes, it is true that YouTube is actually first started as video dating service originally called "Tuned in Hook up" ....
Do you know honey is made by honeybees by kissing other honey workers in their hives...
Yes, it is true. Honeybees goes out to collecting nectar from the flower around. They bring that nectar back to the...
Did you know, What is google's "low carbon" approach to maintain its property...
Yes, it is true that Google has rented a herd of goats to replace the lawnmowers that normally cut the grass in...
Are you worried about your secret data in your computer directory than lock them directly by command prompt...
Yes, It is true. you can lock any directory of your computer directly from command prompt....
The first mechanical alarm clock was invented by "Levi Hutchins" of Concord, New Hampshire, in 1787. The bell on this alarm clock could ring only at 4 AM, in order to wake him up, for his job.
Did you know that.....
Typist fingers travel at an average rate of about 12.6 miles per day on a regular work day.
Barbara Blackburn is the fastest English typist in the world, according to the Guinness...
Why all android versions are always named after sweets item ?
Android is the operating system that powers over 1 billion smartphones and tablets.Since these devices make out lives so sweet, so Android versions...
Hello, My name is Deepak Bisht. I am computer science student who interested more in blogging section. I am happy to share my knowledge with you and i hope you are enjoying it all..